Tuesday, July 9, 2013

CT/TUT for kit by MistyLynn's Creations, PTU: Kelly

Kit used by MistyLynn's Creations, PTU: Kelly
Tube by Barbara Jensen,
CT/Tut by MissieDawn (tut for profile pic only)

Gray background canvas 800x800
Mask of choice
Tube of choice
Elements Used:
VMK EL15 (boot)
VMK EL17 (rose)
VMK EL34 (lips)
VMK EL40 (sparkles)
VMK EL46 (buildings)

Open blank canvas with gray background
Open mask of choice
Open paper of choice and merge with mask
Open buildings and place in the merged background (but above the gray background)
Open and place sparkle in front of buildings
Open and place tube of choice behind mask
Dup tube and place above mask and use eraser to get rid of what you do not want
Place rose at the bottom center of mask
Place boot to the right side of canvas
Rotate and place lips in upper left hand corner
Copy write font "Adorable"
Name font "Black Night"
Resize and save.

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