Friday, August 16, 2013

CT'd for Bratty Dezinez, PTU: Butterfly In Motion

Kit used by Bratty Dezinez, PTU: Butterfly In Motion
Tube used by Alex Prihodko,
CT/TUT by MissieDawn

Blank Canvas 800x800
Mask of choice
Paper of choice (i used P_15)
Tube of choice

Elements used:
Flowers2 x2

Open blank canvas
Open mask of choice and paper of choice and merge and place on blank canvas
Open vines and place to the right side of mask
Open stones and resize as desired and place at the bottom of the mask
Open flowers2 and place one on one side of mask, rotate horizontally and place on other side of mask
Open butterfly2 and resize as desired and place at the upper left of mask
Open tube of choice and place where desired. I placed her like she was leaning against the vines.
Copy write font "Adorable"
Name font "Hawaii Lover"
Resize and save!

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