Monday, September 16, 2013

CT/Tut for Heather's Devine Dezigns, PTU: When Darkness Falls

Brand New!!!
Scrapkit by Heather's Devine Dezigns, PTU: When Darkness Falls
Her blog is Heather's Devine Dezigns
Can be found Here.

Tube is by Exclusive, can be found here Picsfordesign

Blank Canvas 800x800
Mask of choice
Paper of choice
Tube of choice

Elements Used: 
el4 - tree branch
el16 spider with web
el 51 left to right electric bolt lookin element
el 53 tree

Open blank canvas 800x800
Open mask and paper of choice (i used paper pp2) and merge and add to blank canvas
Open branch and rotate horizontally and place i the upper left hand corner
Open tree and place in lower left hand corner 
Open spider and web and place to fit entire canvas
Open and place the electric bolt left to right near the top
Choose tube and pace to the right of your canvas where desired.
Font for copy right is "Aparajita"
Font for name is "Haunted"
Resize and save!


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