Friday, October 4, 2013

Ct/Tut for Heather's Devine Dezignes, PTU: Night Of The Dead

Kit by Heather's Devine Dezigns, PTU: Night Of The Dead
SpazzedArt and Pics for Design
Tube by WikiFireStorm, and can be found
Open blank canvas 800x800
Paper of choice (i used pp 8)
Tube of choice

Elements used: 
el 7 - plant
el 39 - blood splater
el 49 - tree branches
el 22 - candles
el 18 - dead tree brush
el 80 - frame

Open blank canvas 800x800
Open and place background where desired
Open and place el 80-frame and move background as needed. You can use eraser tool if you need to take some off the edges of the background to be behind the frame
Open el 39-blood splatter and place in the upper left hand corner under the frame (rotate if desired)
Open and place el 49-tree branches where desired but under the frame
Open and place el 18-dead tree brush near the bottom of the frame where desired but under the frame (rotate if desired)
Open and place tube of choice where desired
Open el 7-plant and place above the frame on the bottom left side
Open el 22-candles and place on the bottom right side of the frame (rotate if desired)
Name font is "Nightmare 5"
Resize and save!

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